May 1st
More Nature Deeper Education
How to bridge the gap?
Are you a part of the movement towards More Nature, Deeper Education? We are curious about your methods and experiences to apply nature inclusive teaching methods. Please join the crowd and register for the second edition of More Nature, Deeper Education in the afternoon of May 1st on the WUR campus.
The theme is: How to bridge the Gap? There are many more or less radical educational innovations, how can these practices weave into formal education?
Like the previous gathering held last year, we’ll be diving into the topic of nature-inclusive education, this time with a focus on the ‘how’: concrete methods and how to apply them. We will share inspiration from a year full of new developments in the field, share and experience exciting nature-inclusive methods, and collaborate on how to further integrate nature-inclusive learning into existing curricula.
In the last part of the afternoon, we will be working in groups to learn more about nature inclusive methods, and to work towards concrete initiatives and actions. A couple of working groups have been determined – see program below.
How to bridge the gap?
AND… there is space for more. Are you excited to bring in a topic or concrete initiative? Please get in touch with Lian via [email protected]. We will help you to become part of the break out sessions or otherwise.
Practical information
13:00 walk-in
13:30 Welcome and start of the program
– Plenary inspiration: sneak preview of the upcoming movie: I am the River, The River is Me, about the rights for the Whanganui Rivier in Aotearoa/Nieuw Zeeland; the Ambassade of the Northsea is looking for teacher to screen the movie as part of an educational programm at schools. How? Where? Who?
– Dimensions of nature-inclusive learning; research done for the Collectief Natuurinclusief
– Multiple Pathways: how to integrate Wild Pedagogy into formal institutions!?
– Launch of WUR Teacher Training in Nature-inclusive methods (Teaching and Learning Center)
15.30 Multiple pathways: working groups
– I am the River, the River is Me: using imagery and imagination as transformative educational methods. With the Ambassade of the Northsea.
– Applying the Dimensions of Nature Inclusive Education for different age-groups and educational levels, in collaboration with the Collectief Natuurinclusief.
– Training the Teacher: What is needed in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude of teachers for nature inclusive education? Hosted by the Teaching and Learning Center, WUR.
– Exploring outdoor methods: how can a multi-sensorial perspective be part of education? Outdoor session with Beitske Bouwman, Anaya Academy.
– Research and evaluation: how do we assess the value of nature-inclusive methods for transformative change? Hosted by NatureCollege special chairholder Maria Tengö
– Ecological grief and despair: Investigation of the emotional dimension of nature inclusive education with dr. Elisabet Rasch, part of the new special interest groups (SiG) for university staff.
– Student support: forming an ongoing support system for students around issues of responsibility for sustainable solutions, ecological despair and grief.
– …. and more: open call for initiatives!
17:30 end
Forum building Wageningen University Campus
Room C0222
Ticket contains a donation of 12,50 euro to ANBI Foundation NatuurCollege
Free entry for students

Photo _ Ave Calvar, Unsplash